National League football :
If click on the flag you'll go to National League page with the Champions and Cup Winners from 1980 up to the latest season. On this page you'll also find links to the alltime table, European Cup football and to Mapfumo's European Club Ranking, including as much as posible clublogos. A few links with (in progres) are to the alltime tables.
Former countries :
Alltime table
On this moment there are 38 alltime table countries available, including the major leagues. Only Greece is hard to get, but I keep on trying. More countries will follow. Teams in bold are currently playing on the highest level. Only games on the highest level are included, so no relegation play-offs. All tables are based on three points for a win.
European Cup Football
Point based on two points for a win, one point for a draw and bonuspoints for winning quarter-, semi- and finals. It's not possible to score points in the qualification stage. For overall tables go to :
European Cup Football alltime table
Mapfumo's European Club Ranking
For an explanation go to :
Special thanks to :
For the national flags
Nearly all the flags of the world and historical information about it.
For a lot of info: